Saturday, September 12, 2009

Martha Stewarts' Errands...

I'm so busy today. I have to go see Justin's foster parents at one o'clock and then come home and get the house prepared for the potluck and I'll still need to make the casserole. I'm very excited that I chose a very easy recipe. Justin and I still need to do groceries as well.

I'm addicted to this game on Miniclip. It's called "Youda The Sushi Chef". I'm upset that once you beat it, you have to keep playing the last level over and over again unless of course I spend the twenty dollars on my credit card, but that's not going to happen. So I keep playing the last level and keep wishing that I could start from the beginning.

I didn't sleep well last night, it's hard to share a bed with two dogs. HA. I'm hilarious. On a real note, it is hard to share a queen size bed with a boyfriend that kicks in his sleep and a bulldog that snores and chokes in his sleep. Seriously, he chokes on snores or something. I'm investing in ear plugs or a soothing nature sounds CD on my iPod.

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